Hello Everyone,
What a week! I've been on the radio two times this week and it was fun doing both shows.
Today was a special Live Your Music show that is a tribute to the very inspiring Earl Nightingale and his company, Nightingale-Conant.
As a Depression-era child, Earl Nightingale was hungry for knowledge. From the time he was a young boy, he would frequent the Long Beach Public Library in California, searching for the answer to the question, "How can a person, starting from scratch, who has no particular advantage in the world, reach the goals that he feels are important to him, and by so doing, make a major contribution to others?"
Earl Nightingale's desire to find an answer, coupled with his natural curiosity about the world and its workings spurred him to become one of the world's foremost experts on success and what makes people successful.
Earl Nightingale's recording entitled The Strangest Secret, was the first spoken word recording to win a Gold Record by selling over a million copies. In The Strangest Secret, Earl had found an answer to the question that had inspired him as a youth and, in turn, found a way to leave a lasting legacy for others.
In 1960, Earl Nightingale and his business partner Lloyd Conant began an "electronic publishing" company – Nightingale Conant – which has become a multi-million dollar giant in the self-improvement field.
During the show you'll hear my husband, Dudley DeNador, and me talking about what Earl Nightingale called "The Strangest Secret" and also what he called "The Magic Word" in his timeless classic audio program, Lead the Field.
To get a copy of Lead the Field on CDs, click here.
We wanted you to hear Earl's voice, so during the show you'll also get to hear two short recordings of Earl Nightingale talking about what he calls "The magic word" and about the importance of enjoying life.
During the show I also mentioned the book, shown below, Earl Nightingale's Greatest Discovery. The foreword for this book was written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The audio program and the book are treasures in our personal library and we recommend them both.
To hear the replay of the Live Your Music tribute to Earl Nightingale, please click on the following direct link. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/liveyourmusic/2015/03/25/live-your-music--margaux-joy-denador--a-tribute-to-earl-nightingale-032515
Yesterday, I was honored to be the guest for the Best Ever You radio show, co-hosted by Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino and Dr. Walter Jacobson.
During the show we talked about why I wrote my book The Art of Living a Life Your Love, what I love about being a life coach, and why I named my radio show Live Your Music.
We also talked about Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino's book Percolate… Let Your Best Self Filter Through and Dr. Walter Jacobson's book Forgive to Win. Being on their show was fun. I loved what they both had to say about their books, mine, and the differences between therapy and life coaching.
To hear the replay of me as the guest on the Best Ever You show, click on the following direct link.
Please grab a cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage, and enjoy listening to the recordings of my Live Your Music show about Earl Nightingale and my guest appearance on the Best Ever You show.
I would love for you to listen and then forward this message to your friends so they can hear one – or both – of the shows.
Love & Hugs,
PS: My book, The Art of Living a Life You Love, can help you live your music and love your life. TAOLALYL is available in soft cover, hard cover or in Kindle, Nook, and other eBook formats. You can get it online at either Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble, or directly from the publisher Balboa Press. Just click on one of the links above to take a look inside and order the book.
To connect with me online, and find out how my coaching can help you live your music and love your life, please visit my website at www.margauxjoydenador.com
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