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May 01, 2012


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Thanks for the post I really appreciate it it was very useful

Margaux Joy DeNador

Hi Duane,

You are so right – what matters most is how we feel inside – that is what people remember is how they feel when they are with us and when they think of us.

YES!!! Get a black suit. You can wear any color shirt with it and also fun colors for ties as well. Maybe one of these days I will finish the book I was starting to write before I began to write "The Art of Living a Life You Love." The working title was "COLOR, IMAGE & CHOICES: The Art of Looking and Feeling Your Personal Best." Some of what I was writing for that book – actually lots of it – made it into my book because as you said – and as Michelle says – it is how we feel fully alive which helps us look and feel our personal best.

I appreciate your comments especially because you are a man. Seeing your comments reminds me of how much Michelle's book can help both women and men to feel good and look their best.

Love, Margaux

Duane Brovan

Margaux, what an interesting interview with Michelle and an informative book review... I can totally relate to the part about getting ones colors done and having to wear specific that you don't care for.. Next suit I purchase will be black instead of gray because I was a Summer... It is great to hear Michelle talk about it matters more what you have going on in your inside than what you look like on the outside... The outside might get you noticed but what is on your inside keeps people interesting in you and wanting to be around you... Thanks for sharing with all of us...

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