When Hay House announced that they were going to do live video from the 2011 Tampa, Florida, "I CAN DO IT!" conference it became my heart's desire to watch it and review it. The idea of being able to "electronically attend" parts of the event live – to be able to see and hear it as it was happening – made me extremely curious. Because I've attended the "I CAN DO IT!" conference live, I wondered how different it would feel to watch it on my computer at home.
One of the things I love about being at the conference is being with so many other positive people that are experiencing the same speakers and the feeling of being in the room with them. In a way it's like the difference between going to a movie at a theater versus watching it on your computer. One of the major differences is that at the conference you meet people from all over the world who have traveled to be there.
But there are also interesting aspects of watching live stream video as well. One of the things that was fun was being able to watch in my PJs, fuzzy robe, and slippers. Because I am in California, the time difference meant being ready to watch at 5:30 am on Saturday and Sunday. Since I am a morning person, this was fairly easy for me.
For people who live in California or other areas west of Florida and prefer to get up late on weekends, the live video stream of the event would be a challenge. But if you purchase the live video stream you are able to watch the video as an "on demand" event one time for each keynote speaker or workshop.
Hay House also offered the option to purchase a USB wristband with the live stream videos and all of the audios for the conference. I am looking forward to having the USB wristband with the digital files so I can re-watch my favorite speakers over and over again. I like the idea of being able to hear the audio recordings of speakers I wasn't able to see on the video.
Being able to see and hear the speakers on the live stream video was wonderful. One of the benefits was being able to take "screen shots" of the speakers while they were on stage talking. At the live events taking photos is not allowed so this was one of the really cool things about watching the live video stream of the event. To give you an idea of what it's like to see the video stream, I've chosen a favorite "screen shot" of each speaker's talk and you can see them while reading the rest of this review.
Wayne Dyer with his daughter Skye Dyer - Friday 11.11.11
Friday Evening – Keynote Speaker – Wayne Dyer
"Mastering the Art of Manifestation"
Dr. Wayne Dyer's live feed started around 4:45 pm. Unfortunately, I missed the first part of his talk.
He talked about the importance of "living from the end." You make your future dream a present fact by feeling your wish as being fulfilled.
Wayne believes that the last five minutes of the day are super important. During these five minutes, he suggests we feel our wish as fulfilled so our subconscious mind can "marinate" with those thoughts and feelings while we are asleep.
Wayne's talk in Tampa was similar to the one I experienced live in Pasadena but there were some major differences as well. The woman from Hong Kong wasn't at the Tampa conference. Also, the young comedian that was in Pasadena wasn't at this event either. Skye Dyer was at both events and she sang two songs during Wayne's keynote speech. The first song she sang was "Let it Be" and the second song was "The Leader of the Band" which she sang to her dad. I always enjoy hearing Skye sing!
There were a few minor glitches with the live stream during this speech. Luckily Wayne's talk is available as on-demand for 90 days and there are also digital files of his talk on the USB band from the conference.
Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson - Saturday 11.12.11
Saturday Morning Keynote Speakers – Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson
"Spiritual Tools for Living an Exceptional Life"
Seeing and hearing Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson together again was wonderful. One of the reasons I most wanted to watch the live video stream was to see and hear them together again. They were just as delightful this time as they were at the Pasadena event in October.
Louise started out by saying, "I am 85 and very alive!" Louise looked beautiful in her tunic of aqua to green to warm yellow. She has more enthusiasm and energy than many people do when they are 50 or more years younger than Louise is now.
Louise and Cheryl were having so much FUN!!! Because they were having such a good time, it was great FUN watching and listening even though I had seen them do their talk in Pasadena. Both times their conversation with each other and the audience came across as sincere, authentic, spontaneus, playful, and fun-loving. They make a delightful and inspiring team.
Louise and Cheryl talked about the affirmations in the "I CAN DO IT!" page-a-day calendar. Louise said the calendars sell out quickly so it's a good idea to order one soon for 2012.
"I love people who are always learning and practicing. Just because you know it doesn't mean you're practicing it." Louise Hay is so right about this point as well. There is a huge difference in "knowing" something and practicing it. The ideas are simple but they do require practice.
Because of writing their book, You Can Create an Exceptional Life, they were so much more aware of what they were thinking, what they were saying, and how it was making them feel.
Louise and Cheryl were allowing themselves to be silly and funny. The playful attitude was evident from the joy they projected along with Louise's foot bobbing in glee. I loved being able to watch and listen to them again!!! What an inspiring talk! It was well worth being up early to watch them at 5:30 am!
Deborah King - Saturday 11.12.11
Saturday Morning Workshop – Deborah King
"Be Your Own Shaman"
It was interesting to experience Deborah King on the live video stream and compare it to seeing her live at the Pasadena conference.
She started this talk about her book, Be Your Own Shaman, by telling us she was having a drawing for two iPads, one for the live event and one for people who were watching the live video stream.
Deborah had been a lawyer with a stressful life and then found out she had cancer. She stepped off the "fast track" and took a look at herself. She had been someone who had been into high speed, high risk sports, promiscuity, anything to keep from feeling her emotions. She realized she needed to get in touch with her emotions. She started with a 12-Step program. She picked AA. She says there isn't one of us that doesn't have some sort of addiction.
Deborah encouraged us to get in touch with our emotions with a journal or even the computer – something where you are using your arms. She said to type or write as fast as you can write or as fast as you can type.
Deborah looked happy and like she was enjoying herself. I actually enjoyed the live video of her workshop more than I did the one live in Pasadena. Why? It just seemed like she was enjoying herself more for this workshop which made it more enjoyable to watch.
Doreen Virtue - Saturday 11.12.11
Saturday Afternoon Workshop – Doreen Virtue
"Connecting with the Angels of Health, Happiness, and High Energy"
Doreen Virtue came onto the stage to an audience that was excited to be with her. The view of the audience showed them standing up to welcome her. For years I had been curious about Doreen and why she was so popular. Now, after having been in her workshop at the Pasadena, California, "I CAN DO IT!" and watching the live video stream of her workshop in Tampa, Florida, it is easy to understand why.
Doreen looks like an angel, and she talks about angels. Hearing her describe how the angels are messagers and that we all have at least two guardian angels made me even more curious to learn more from her.
Doreen talked about her book, "Angel Words" and made me very curious about it. Doreen's son Grant – who runs her website and records her podcasts – has a computer program that records visuals of sound. He worked with her to create this book.
One example from the book was about Anna Taylor who is a friend of mine. Doreen showed slides before and after changing what Anna was saying to herself. Once she began to affirm, "I am a talented singer." Her voice improved, she recorded an album, and began to sing live at a variety of events. Anna is a talented singer. I am glad Doreen encouraged her to affirm it and believe it!
Doreen reminded us that the angels love to help us but we have to ASK them before they can do it.
Doreen is beautiful, kind, sensitive, and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed both her live workshop in Pasadena and this "live video stream" way of seeing her.
Gregg Braden - Saturday 11.12.11
Saturday Evening Keynote Speaker – Gregg Braden
"Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny
and Fate"
Gregg Braden combines science and spirituality. He talked quite a bit about the changes in what scientists used to believe versus what is thought to be true now.
This talk was based on his book "Deep Truth" — which I have not read.
Gregg Braden's talk was very similar to his talk in Pasadena with one major difference – in Pasadena he had his wife come onstage to sing and play guitar. I really liked this part at the Pasadena conference and missed seeing it during the Tampa "live video."
Toward the end of his talk, Gregg talked about feeling gratitude, appreciation, and how this is a way we can create coherence. I wish he had spent less time on what he considers to be problems and more time on how we can make a difference. I found it inspiring to know we can make a positive difference by how we choose to think and through expressing our gratitude and appreciation.
Caroline Myss - Sunday 11.13.11
Sunday Morning Keynote Speaker – Caroline Myss
"Exploring the Power and Mystery of Prayer"
Caroline Myss has been in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness for over 20 years. She has worked as a medical intuitive, and specializes in helping people and providing people with insights into their "energetic" system. In her book, "Defy Gravity," she talks about the relationship between what she calls "seven shadow passions" and "seven inner graces."
Because Caroline is both interesting and sometimes a bit confusing, I am glad to have the on-demand video available for 90 days so I can watch it again later.
I loved it when she asked the audience, "How many of you have a mind that never deceives you?" and then she went on to say, "You better not raise your hand for that one, or I'll be all over you like a June bug!"
Caroline Myss is funny because she says what she really thinks instead of saying what she thinks we will be happy to hear. She seems to tell it as she feels it – and I feel I can trust her to tell me what she really thinks, what she really feels, what she has learned, and why she feels that way.
"Every choice that you make sets a cycle in motion." Caroline reminded us that we need to become conscious about the choices we make while we are making them. The key word here is conscious but she's also saying while we are making them – not just after we have made them!
I took notes while she was saying a prayer. I like it and wanted to share it with you here.
Let me feel reverence for my life.
Give me the courage to see you in other people.
Let me see your goodness in other people.
Grant me the grace of understanding.
Grant me the grace to understand why other people are in my life.
Grant me the grace of sharing my gifts.
Grant me the grace to be honest with myself and others.
Grant me the grace of knowledge.
Help me to make wise choices for myself and others.
Caroline ended the prayer by saying, "Let grace heal you and heal the people around you." Caroline got a standing ovation for her talk.
Sunday Afternoon Workshop – Denise Linn
"Past Lives/Present Miracles"
Denise Linn started out with a drum and calling spirit into the room.
"My peeps… who here are my radio peeps… who here has never met me before… who doesn't even know why they are here?" Denise has a warm, inviting personality. I had been curious about her for years and was pleased to find myself liking her from the start. This talk was based on her book, "Past Lives, Present Miracles."
Denise said it was her first time doing live streaming video. It was the first time that Hay House has done the live video stream from an "I CAN DO IT!" conference so it was a first for the speakers and for all of us who were able to watch it live.
One of the first things Denise did was ask us to do the following: "Now focus on yourself… what is remarkable about you… what is your gift to the world… Blessings for the journey… Imagine it radiating out from your body as a wonderful, warm light… Intend this… Imagine this… Step into LOVE…"
In my notes I wrote, "I love this… WOW… I see why Denise is so popular!!!"
"Why not be open to the possibility that it is time for things to shift for you? If your mind says it can't happen in two hours, say thank you mind." Denise told stories of people who met in her workshops and helped each other heal. (In my opinion one of the big benefits of going to the live workshops is that you meet people there and those people can make a big difference in your life!)
We did a couple of guided meditations during which there were beautiful images on the screen. I enjoyed both of them.
Watching the live video stream made me feel inspired to do a workshop with Denise in person at one of the next "I CAN DO IT!" conferences!
Denise got a standing ovation at the end of her talk. I can see why!
Joan Borysenko - Sunday 11.13.11
Sunday Afternoon Workshop – Joan Borysenko
"Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive"
Joan asked if anyone in the audience was feeling "fried" and lots of hands went up. The workshop was based on her book, "Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive" so it attracted people who were feeling "fried" and wanted to know what to do about it.
Joan asked us: "What makes you feel most alive? What drains you? What does your soul long for?" All three questions are worth answering.
Joan is beautiful, kind, and gentle, and she seemed to be helping the people in the audience.
She said, "It's important to be compassionate toward yourself."
Joan made the following suggestions:
Keep track of what drains you.
Keep track of what revives you.
She also said that we are meant to be in harmony with nature. She believes that if we have more time in nature there would be less ADD for children and adults. She said to appreciate the sky, the flowers, the trees, and being outside.
She reminded us that we can put our attention wherever we like. She had us put our attention on our breath. She talked about "spokes of attention" and says you can withdraw your attention from the outside of the wheel and put your attention back on the "hub" of the wheel. The thing to remember is that we have a choice as to where we focus our attention.
If you've been feeling "fried" and want to revive, I recommend checking out Joan's book and her workshops!
Marianne Williamson - Sunday 11.13.11
Sunday Afternoon Keynote Speaker – Marianne Williamson
"A Course in Weight Loss"
This was the last of the live video stream for the Tampa "I CAN DO IT!" conference. It was based on Marianne Williamson's book, and CDs, "A Course in Weight Loss."
Marianne talked about how she used to have some problems with her weight before she began to study "A Course in Miracles." She says that the excess flesh she was carrying around was like a wall around her to protect herself. The idea is to learn to love yourself and to free yourself from fear by focusing on love.
If we feel we need protection, or feel self-rejection, we will be more likely to eat more than we need to have a lean and healthy body.
I've written a review of the book and audio CDs for "A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever." What I realized while listening to the CDs of the book was that they can be helpful for more than just weight loss. They can also inspire you to let go of other habits by looking at them, yourself, and life in some new ways. To read my review of "A Course in Weight Loss" by Marianne, click on the link above.
In conclusion, I must say that I truly enjoyed watching the Tampa "I CAN DO IT!" Live Stream Video and hope that they continue with this new technology because it allows me to experience live feed of the conferences that I can't attend in person. I did notice that I got the most from the workshops and authors whose books I had read. I do recommend reading the authors' books before either attending the live conferences or watching the live stream video.
Also, I like the idea of being able to buy a USB wristband with all of the workshops on it so I can play them over again because many were so inspiring!
Margaux Joy DeNador
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