When Hay House publishing told me they would like me to review the 2011 "I CAN DO IT!" conference in Pasadena, California, I felt very excited. I loved the idea of being able to share with others what what I enjoyed most and what it felt like to be at such an amazing event.
A treasured friend of mine, Linda Bray, heard I was going to the conference and she decided to get tickets so she could go with me. I met Linda at the 2008 Las Vegas "I CAN DO IT!" during Wayne Dyer's talk. The night I met her we noticed we had signed up for all of the same workshops! We've been friends ever since. This time we signed up for three of the same workshops so we had some time together and time apart. As Linda said, "The positive vibration throughout the conference center was palpable." Being with so many positive people is a wonderful feeling!
Following is a day-by-day description of what I saw, heard, felt, and thought during the 2011 "I CAN DO IT!" conference in Pasadena.
Friday, October 14, 2011
There are optional all-day workshops on Friday. The pre-conference workshops start at 10:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm. If you decide to go to them you need to get to the conference on Thursday so you can be ready to begin Friday morning.
10:00 am - 4:00 pm - "The Writer's Workshop Intensive"
Cheryl Richardson & Reid Tracy
I chose this workshop because writing is a passion of mine. I was also curious to compare it with the event called "Movers & Shakers" which I attended in 2010. They now call it "Speak, Write, and Promote… Become a Mover & Shaker."
The idea of attending a day-long workshop just for writers sounded exciting to me. If it sounds exciting to you, I recommend you sign up for it at the next "I CAN DO IT!."
I arrived early and got a seat in the front row. Louise Hay was a surprise guest and was sitting just three chairs to my left. She did a short talk at the beginning and stayed until it was time for us to break for lunch.
Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy shared the stage for the workshop. They each shared their experiences and knowledge with us in a way that was interesting, informative, and enjoyable.
Cheryl Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author of five books. Reid Tracy is the president and publisher of Hay House and has many New York Times bestselling books and has sold over fifty-three million books in the USA and Canada. What a wealth of experience and information they have and are willing to share!
Cheryl Richardson and Reid Tracy were very honest with us about the writing process and what it takes to get your book published by a publishing company. They also gave us information on self-publishing as an option. They explained the pros and cons of both being published and deciding to self-publish. I took notes all day and am glad to have them to remind me of the various ideas they shared with us. Would I recommend this workshop? YES. If you are a writer – or have always wanted to be one – this workshop will give you inside information from a best-selling author and the CEO of Hay House Publishing.
I met others who love to write and some who wanted to start but have let fears stop them. I found that the questions that were asked helped answer my own questions without me needing to ask.
There will be another of these writer's intensive workshops at the Tampa, Florida, "I CAN DO IT!" The dates for the Tampa conference are November 11-13, 2011. To find out more about "The Writer's Workshop Intensive" please click here.
Friday Night – 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm - Keynote Speaker
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer was the evening keynote speaker on Friday night. I've seen Dr. Dyer speak at other conferences and also in San Francisco. I've enjoyed every talk of his that I've attended so I was curious to see how it would feel to be hearing him speak again. I was happy to discover that I enjoyed this talk just as much as his previous talks.
Wayne introduced us to a young woman named Sara Sweet who is a stand-up comedian who does "spiritual comedy." Sara and her mom had met Wayne while on Maui. He decided to have her speak during his talk in Pasadena. She was fantastic! She was both funny and inspiring.
The next surprise was that Wayne's beautiful daughter, Skye, came onstage and sang two songs. The second of the songs was "The Leader of the Band" by Dan Fogelberg. Skye sang it to her dad as if they were the only two in the room. It was very touching.
Wayne also had a special guest that he had flown in from Hong Kong. Her name is Anita Moorjani and her story is incredible. I think Wayne said she will be in his next PBS special. We left the auditorium, which held around 2,500 people, after 10 pm. Wayne Dyer went the extra miles for this talk. I am so glad to have been there to see it, hear it, and be inspired by it!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
8:30 am - 10:00 am - Keynote Speakers
Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay
Louise Hay has always given the welcome message at the "I CAN DO IT!" conferences before the keynote speaker on Saturday morning. This year, because of her new book "You Can Create an Exceptional Life" written with Cheryl Richardson there was a change of format.
Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson sat on the stage on either side of a round table with their book on it. They talked, laughed, and told stories of what it was like to write the book together. The two of them looked relaxed and joyful. It felt as if we were observing two young girlfriends enjoying time together. In fact, several times we noticed Louise smiling and swinging her feet – looking like she was in total joy. Cheryl is always an inspiring speaker but she was relaxed, joyful, and having fun. The result was an informal and interesting talk which I wish I had on video. I would love to be able to watch and listen to it over and over again!
Even though there were around 2,500 people in the auditorium, it felt as if we were sitting in on a private talk with the two of them.
Louise commented that the "I CAN DO IT!" conferences are like, "A banquet for the mind." Her comment is how I feel about the conferences but they are also a "banquet" for your spirit because they are fun.
Cheryl said that Louise Hay is a master of language. It is one of the things I love about both of them! Cheryl pointed out, as an example, that Louise always tells people to say, "Please remember!" instead of "Don't forget!"
They talked about how you start your day being how you live your day. Louise told us how she starts her day and gave us a few of her morning affirmations. I especially like the one that says, "I have clothes I love to wear. My closet loves me. I love my closet." This affirmation makes me feel inspired to go through my closet and take out any clothes that I no longer wear or love. Both Louise and Cheryl told us that we need to practice, practice, practice the new ways of talking to ourselves while we are going through our morning routine as well as throughout our day.
Louise also told us that she blesses her car and sends love to all of the drivers on the road. Her affirmation for this is, "I'm always surrounded by good driver's." I love this idea, and I loved her idea to send love to all of the other drivers.
Cheryl told us that she is teaching what she's needed to learn. I could really relate to that statement because that's how I feel – I teach what I really need and want to learn!
There was a wonderful story Cheryl related about how she wanted to get an orchid plant in a store, got distracted by someone needing help finding something, and when she got home there was a package with an orchid as a gift. Then two or three more orchids showed up as gifts. It does show we need to want something but not be too attached to how it will come to us. Cheryl had wanted the orchid but had let go and the orchids came to her!
Cheryl's husband, Michael, had said to her, "Your words heal." She says it made her cry when he said that – and she began to tear up while telling us. Louise reached in her top and pulled out a tissue for Cheryl. Because of Michael's comment, Cheryl says she began to ask herself, "What do I need to do so I can continue to let my words heal?" She also said, "I protect my sensitivity like a lioness," and "I think we are all artists and healers." In my opinion Cheryl and Louise both heal with their words. They both remind us to notice what we say and to say kind and loving things that help us feel good and enjoy life.
My friend Linda asked Louise what she does before going to sleep at night. Louise said that she says the day is over, thanks her bed, releases the day and then she says, "Life loves me. Life loves me. Life loves me." as she drifts off to sleep.
Being there was like having their book come to life. I am so glad to have been able to be there for this inspiring and fun talk. It was one of my favorite parts of this "I CAN DO IT!" conference.
If you would like to read my review of Louise and Cheryl's new book "You Can Create an Exceptional Life" please click here.
10:30 - 12:30 pm - Workshop
"Connecting with the Angels of Health, Happiness, and High Energy"
Doreen Virtue
During this time there are several workshops and you must choose one. I chose the one with Doreen Virtue. I had never had a workshop with her before and was curious to find out what it would be like. I've got several friends who have taken her workshops. They all love Doreen and recommend her.
Doreen is so popular that this workshop was held in the main auditorium so we were able to just stay in the same seats after the talk by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson.
I found Doreen to be very inviting, interesting, and entertaining. She did readings for several people in the audience. It was amazing how each person's reading could inspire me as well. She makes learning about angels fun. I thoroughly enjoyed her workshop.
The program said this workshop would be about "Connecting with the Angels of Health, Happiness, and High Energy." During the talk, Doreen showed us amazing "Energy Graphs" of positive and negative words from her new book "Angel Words." Doreen looks like a beautiful blonde angel. I greatly enjoyed her workshop and am glad I chose to go to it.
There is a break for lunch from 12:30 - 2:30 pm.
During this time you can also buy books by the authors and have them signed. The book signings were upstairs this year so you had to leave the main area to have your books signed. This was one thing that I felt could have been better. In the past, the book signings have been in the same room where you buy the books. I prefer that open feeling to the way it was at this event.
2:30 - 4:30 pm - Workshop
"The Honeymoon Effect"
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.
During this time there were more workshops. I chose to go to one called "The Honeymoon Effect - The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth." Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He is also known for groundbreaking stem-cell research at Stanford University. I had heard Bruce speak at two previous conferences about "The Biology of Belief" and was very curious to hear what he had to say about "The Honeymoon Effect."
I had gotten to the talk early enough to be sitting near the front. While I was waiting for the talk to begin, the woman on my left was asked if she would be willing to trade places so Bruce's mom could sit in her chair. During the talk my friend Linda was to my right and Bruce's mom was to my left. I enjoyed meeting her!
Bruce showed a number of PowerPoint slides to illustrate what he was saying. He speaks very quickly and jams an incredible amount of information into a two-hour talk. My friend Linda teased him that they pay all of the other speakers by the number of words but because it was him, they pay him a flat rate. It seems to me that his workshop would be better if it was longer and allowed him to speak more slowly, pause more to let us absorb what he's saying, and also give us more time to ask questions.
I enjoyed learning about "harmonic resonance" and was interested to hear what he had to say about our conscious and subconscious minds. Bruce told us that our conscious mind is NOT time bound but our subconscious mind is totally time bound. It is always in the NOW. So when we pay attention in the NOW we are in control but if we allow our conscious mind to wander back in time or forward in time our subconscious mind takes over. Hearing this helped me understand why we hear it said that "Our point of power is in our present moments."
He also talked about an article titled "A Wandering Mind is an Unhappy Mind." I've found that when I allow my mind to wander it sometimes wanders into worry. By focusing on what is happening NOW, I am able to enjoy the moment and to appreciate what is happening – what I see, hear, and feel. I've found myself thinking of this part of Bruce's talk many times, and it always reminds me to pay attention to my present moments.
5:00 - 6:30 pm- Keynote Speaker
Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden was the evening keynote speaker on Saturday. Gregg is a New York Times bestselling author and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. The program described this as a "compelling, multi-media intensive." I've heard Gregg speak twice before and found this talk to be very similar to the others. He does have interesting things to say, and I am glad to have heard – and seen – his talk about what he has discovered about science and spirituality. One thing that was new was that he had his wife play guitar and sing us a song. During the song, Gregg played a wooden wind instrument. Gregg looked very happy and looked like he was having fun including the music. I have to say it was my favorite part of his keynote speech.
Saturday night Linda and I decided to have an early dinner and get some extra sleep. Every time I've attended the "I CAN DO IT!" conference, I've been kept busy for three days in a row . Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all full days if you choose to do the optional all-day Friday workshop and attend the Friday night keynote speech. I've found that I enjoy life most when I am well-rested so I am glad we made it an early night!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
8:30 - 10:00 am - Keynote Speaker
Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. was the morning keynote speaker on Sunday. I had seen her talk at another conference and was looking forward to hearing what she had to say. Dr. Northrup was inspiring, entertaining, and funny. I greatly enjoyed her stories, use of humor, and how she uses pauses for dramatic effect. One of the reasons I was excited to attend the conference was to learn from the speakers. Dr. Northrup is outstanding. She is fun to watch and to hear.
During her talk she invited her daughter, Kate, onstage and had Kate lead us all in dance movements and moving our bodies. During this part she also had Nancy Levin, the event director for Hay House, join them on the stage. It was great fun watching the three of them dance. It got even better when Wayne Dyer joined them for the rest of the dance.
Dr. Northrup told a story about her cat, Buddy, that made me think of our cat and how much we love him. She had her cat for twelve years. We've had ours for less than a year but because of how we feel about our cat, Bender, I could really relate to how Dr. Northrup felt about hers.
While listening to the stories Dr. Northrup told about her mom, I could feel my mom with me. I had met two mothers and their daughters during the conference, and they were there with me. My friend Linda wasn't feeling well and decided not to attend the keynote speech at the last minute so I had an empty seat to my right. I was able to imagine my mom sitting there with me – and that made me feel good.
Dr. Northrup ended her talk with an inspiring "Divine Love" meditation. In it she talked about the healing energy of love and said that we are Divine Love. She also talked about the heart's energy field and aligning our hearts. One of my favorite parts is where she talked about a "golden orb of Divine Love" during the meditation.
Her talk left me feeling inspired, happy, and fully entertained. I highly recommend experiencing Dr. Northrup speaking in person!
10:00 - 12:30 pm - Workshop
"The Power of Your Spirit"
Sonia Choquette
For my 10:00 - 12:30 pm workshop I chose Sonia Choquette's "The Power of Your Spirit." The workshop was based on the book I reviewed by Sonia with the same title.
I've been in workshops with Sonia several other times and because I've enjoyed each one I decided to spend the time with her again.
One of the things I love about Sonia's workshops is that they are FUN. Sonia is playful, light-hearted, and loves music. There is always music, singing, and dancing during her workshops. I've also noticed that I always meet people I enjoy in her workshops. I would love to stay in touch with the two women I met during her workshop – one was sitting on my left and the other on my right. We got a chance to talk when Sonia had us break off in groups to talk.
I went to the workshop with high expectations and got what I expected and more – two hours of being inspired, playful, singing, dancing, talking to the people next to me, and having fun. Sonia is still one of my favorite teachers. I highly recommend attending her workshops and reading her books!
If you would like to read my review of Sonia's book "The Power of Your Spirit," please click here.
From 12:30 - 2:30 we had another break for lunch to buy books and have them signed.
I headed over to the ballroom where my next two workshops would be. I ate my lunch while waiting for my 2:30 workshop. I've found that while I am waiting I always meet people I enjoy and that is exactly what happened while I was waiting.
2:30 - 4:30 pm - Workshop
"Be Your Own Shaman"
Deborah King
For my last workshop of the weekend, I chose Deborah King's workshop based on her book "Be Your Own Shaman." I was curious to see what it was like to be in a workshop with Deborah because I had written a review of her book. In the program it said, "You may not realize it, but everyone's a natural born healer, including you!" It also said that "Deborah is a master healer and teacher whose first book, 'Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You' became an instant bestseller." I am still curious about her first book. I forgot to look at it while I was at the conference. It was interesting being in the workshop, but I actually enjoyed her book more.
To read my review of Deborah's book "Be Your Own Shaman" please click here.
5:00 - 6:30 pm - Keynote Speaker
Robert Holden, Ph.D.
The closing keynote speaker for the conference was Robert Holden, Ph.D. The title of his talk was "Shift Happens! Taking the Next Step in Your Life." The talk was based on his book of the same title. The book was published in 1999, and Hay House decided to re-publish it just before 2012. I had heard Robert Holden speak at an event a few years ago. I was impressed with how much he has grown as a speaker. He was inspiring, entertaining, and funny. He started his talk by reading an email from a woman who had found his book on a bus. She said that it had been her constant companion and was helping her feel happier. The funny thing is she finally realized that the title said "shift" and she had thought it said "shit happens." While both are true, this book is about "shift" that happens and how to make the best of it.
I found his list of what he calls "Dysfunctional Independence" to be interesting. Can you relate to any of the following items in his list?
You think you're self-made
You suffer from B.M.S. (By My Self)
You are hopeless at asking for help
Your lack of trust holds you back
Your "I strain" exhausts you
Robert Holden's list, above, reminds me to ASK for help more often. Life is so much more enjoyable when you are willing to give and receive help.
Robert Holden uses words in interesting ways. I became curious to read his book, "Shift Happens!" It might be one of my next reviews.
Hay House recorded the entire "I CAN DO IT!" Pasadena event and attendees were able to purchase a USB Flash Drive Wristband with recordings of all of the keynotes and workshops on it. (However the wristband doesn't include the pre-conference all day workshops.) While I've enjoyed some of the recordings of the past conferences, there have been some cases where it would have been much more inspiring to be able to see the speakers and the visual aspects of their talks. Some of the speakers included PowerPoint slides and the visual aspects of their speeches are lost when you only hear the recordings. Listening to the recordings makes more sense if you've been to the live event so you can picture what you saw during it. My husband asked me why Hay House doesn't make videos of the conference. His question made me curious. I am now wondering why there are no videos of at least the keynote speakers.
It would be great to be able to purchase videos on DVDs of the keynote speeches and some of the workshops. I've noticed that for the Tampa, Florida, "I CAN DO IT!" you have the option of watching it as a live streaming video if you can't attend the event in person. They will also be including videos of the keynote speakers on the USB wristbands for the Tampa event.
In summary, I have to say that the 2011 "I CAN DO IT!" conference in Pasadena was inspiring, uplifting, and fun. I met people I hope to stay in touch with – Kindred Spirits who shared the experience with me in workshops and/or during the keynote speeches. I was surprised by how much I liked the location for the event at the Pasadena Auditorium and Convention Center. It was different than being in Las Vegas or San Diego but once I just let go of my expectations for where it would be, I decided it was a good choice.
If you've never been to an "I CAN DO IT!" conference, please consider going to one. If you've been to one before, I recommend going again. They are constantly "evolving" and show each of the speaker's expanded knowledge.
To purchase tickets for one of the next "I CAN DO IT!" conference in Pasadena, California – please click on the following link.
If you would like to read more of my reviews, click here. If you would like to connect with me on facebook, please click here.
As always, I wish you a life you love to live!
:) Margaux
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