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January 13, 2011


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הסרת שיער

Thanks for sharing the weight loss information. It is very beneficial that there are many sources are available like cds and book for weight loss. I want to purchase and try out for my weight loss.

Margaux Joy DeNador

Thank you for your comments. It seems to me that it is good to let yourself eat what you really want to eat – maybe not all the time but if you're craving a burger and eat something you think you "should" eat instead you'll feel like eating more. Yes, you should still be happy. That is my opinion!!! Being happy helps you feel good and want to take great care of your health. :)

  visual impact muscle building

Today I stayed within my ideal caloric range for weight loss. The only thing I'm not sure about is the fact that about 550 of those calories came from a BK Stacker (I got it without sauce because I don't like it so it's only 550 calories).

I obviously know that eating burgers is not good for the sake of my health. But if I stayed within my caloric range, should I still be happy?

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Marianne Williamson is my favorite author. I read her books and seen some CD. From this books and CD's I have great knowledge about weight lose.Thanks !!

Duane (DC) Brovan

Margaux, Sounds like a good book and CD for most people. Thanks for sharing your insights.. Duane

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