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December 14, 2010


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Well, I have to laugh - at myself.... Just found a YouTube video explaining the beat of the background music:



I have 3 of the Abraham-Hicks books and am reading a 4th. The books are life-changing so I was very excited when I received The Vortex cds as a gift. The messages on the cds are really good but I find the rhythm of the background music very distracting because there's no regular beat. Also, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the timing of when Esther says to breathe in and out. The end result is that I focus on something I perceive to be on the negative side rather than absorbing the message itself. Perhaps if I didn't have a musical background these things wouldn't bother me.

I have to admit I'm curious why they produced the cds in a way that seems to be inferior. They certainly have the means to do a quality job. Maybe there's a reason? Anybody have an idea of what that reason might be?

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