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November 01, 2010


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Thank you Duane. I appreciate your comments. I have come a long way since the day I joined Toastmasters. There is always more to learn and each week I learn more, remember more of what I've learned, and am better able to express my thoughts and feelings. Talking to three cameras was very different than talking to a group of people. I enjoy the interactions with live audiences but this was interesting and a way to speak to more people – even while I am doing other things.

I hope my speech and interview inspires people to go for their dreams. The journey of growth on the way is so much of the joy of going for them and when you achieve one dream it inspires you to go for the next and the next. :)

Thank you again for your encouragement. It is my intention to keep learning and growing as long as I am on this beautiful planet. :)

Duane Brovan

What a great inspirational talk... Really easy to hear and understand... You have grown into a fine speaker and it is time to share your experiences with more people... Keep up the excellent growth in speaking...

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