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October 08, 2009


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Margaux Joy DeNador

Thank you Gary. I do feel fortunate to have had the chance to share something so meaningful with my Mom. Yes, when you really look at life there is so much good in it. My Mom always told us to spend time with people while we can because none of us know how long we will be here. I am so glad I've taken her advice and that I spent as much time as I could with her.
All the best, :) Margaux

Gary Carr

You are so fortunate to have had the chance to share something so meaningful with your mom. Stories like this tell all of us that, when you look at the little details, life is really very good.

All best,


Anna Taylor

That's a really lovely message, Margaux! Thank for sharing and for celebrating and honouring Louise in this way! I know your Mom is very proud of you!

Much love,


MX, Good story, and Happy Birthday to Louise... And to Sonia... I already wished Sonia a Happy Birthday.... Thanks for checking to see if I read my FB pages....
Love DC

Dr Deborah Barry, Personal Development Therapist

Great story, Margaux. I attended my first Hay House "I Can Do It" conference in Toronto this year, and today I'm working on the details of my upcoming trip to the I Can Do It! conference in Tampa next month!

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